Growing sports participation is the key and in itself where much of the benefits that sports delivers lies. Through recent chats with parents, I feel there is a need to continue to emphasize the benefits of sports participation over other considerations such as those tied with results or career outcomes.
Looked at from a broader lens, the benefits of sports are manifold. One key benefit I’ve experienced is the impact it’s had on my lifestyle choices, health, and wellness. As an example, I was in India during the 2021 Covid lockdown and the only outdoor space available for much of the day was the space around our building compound. During this time, I found myself quite automatically going for walks and jogs to get the exercise I needed. As I reflected on where I found the drive or motivation to exercise, it was through being in sports from a young age and how being physically active was such an ingrained part of my daily life.
I often feel that one of the most positive and impactful lifelong gifts that I have gained from my parents is the gift of sports. I found my passion early on in life and sports provided me with a sense of purpose and positive direction through the different phases including in my work now.
Through sports I also got the opportunity to travel the world, experience different cultures, and develop a global perspective. We need more leaders with this broad-based perspective in society as decisions made in one place can have ramifications across the globe.
The message that winning is everything views sports from a very narrow lens. We need to share a much broader message around the value and benefits of sports participation and its impact on the many aspects of one’s life and the development of our society.